Energy Hedge
Smart Solutions for Smart Energy

Sustainable resiliency
Many commercial and industrial customers in ERCOT have experienced significant spikes in their electricity bills in recent years, particularly during periods of high demand when peak rates are in effect. These spikes can be painful for customers, causing significant financial strain and disrupting their operations. In February 2021, many customers experienced especially painful spikes in their bills during the severe winter storm that caused widespread power outages and forced many businesses to close. Some customers reported bills in the tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars for just a few days of electricity usage.

These experiences have underscored the need for commercial and industrial customers in ERCOT to find ways to mitigate their exposure to high electricity rates and 4CP (four coincident peaks) charges. Generators can be a cost-effective and reliable way for customers to hedge against these risks and maintain continuity of their operations during periods of high demand and grid stress. Energy Hedge can help customers connect with the right integrator to deliver their resiliency needs and provide comprehensive energy management solutions to optimize their energy usage, reduce costs, and improve overall energy efficiency. By partnering with Energy Hedge and an experienced integrator, customers can ensure that they have the resilience they need to weather future storms and other disruptions to the grid.